giovedì 6 maggio 2010

MACcari, è il momento di innamorarvi!

I have heard Apple described as a cult, though I fail to see the resemblance between Steve Jobs and David Koresh. I have heard those who are not part of the Apple fold rail (sometimes quite loudly) against its power, its beauty, its uncritical worship of style without, um, flash.

Now, some clever people, perhaps mining the more positive aspects of eugenics, have created a site where Apple fanboys and girls can meet, love, and perhaps even procreate, knowing they have something powerful that binds them together.

Can love for a brand lead to a wedding band? Cupidtino (and what a lovely name that is), wants to find out. It exists so that you, the Apple fanboy or girl, can meet one of your own kind.

Need I even mention that this forward-thinking enterprise has been created by those who adore everything Apple for those who adore everything Apple? Yes, it is to launch next month and be exclusively available through Safariand iPhone and iPad apps. Would you have imagined anything else?

(Credit: Screenshot: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)

Continua Cnet


Forza MACcari, cosa aspettate? Grazie a questo sito incontrerete l’anima gemella Maccara\o .

Immagino la lista nozze :D


6 commenti:

  1. Lo sapete come si legge quella roba se ci piazzate una dieresi sulla prima "u" ?

  2. Sto morendo dal ridere, ROTFL!

    Basta usare la modalità privata di Safari! Il tuo partner fanboy Apple ti sta già cercando! Entra in Cupidtino! XD

  3. come si usa un iPAD

  4. LOL ci manca solo più il falso Briatore della wind che si mette ad usarli per il tiro al piattello
