giovedì 17 settembre 2009

iPhone, una lunga storia di problemi e guai

Cercando su Google "iphone problem" vengono fuori centocinquantuno milioni di pagine.
Just started noticing a couple of dead spots i.e. areas of the screen that do not respond accurately to touch on my iPhone ... wondering if anyone else is having the same experience.

This seems like a new problem that may have started with the last software update. (Note, by dead I don't mean areas that don't light up -- just areas where the touch screen isn't responsive)
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IPhone touch screen not working

The touch screen on my iPhone just stopped working. I can get it to turn on and unlock, but none of the functions on the screen will work. Please help...
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iPhone dead strip display problem - unresponsive screen problem

Analyst: Apple iPhone screen problems may get worse – the dreaded “dead strip”

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Unresponsive iPhone touch screens

First the very bottom of the screen went out so I could not hit the space-bar on the keyboard, or change to the number/character screen. Then it got worse a few days later, now I cannot hit any of the main function buttons.

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