David Pogue well known Steve Jobs fanboy has wrote a gushing article on the New York Times over Apple's new pay-ware service pack.
He writes:
In any case, Snow Leopard truly is an optimized version of Leopard. It starts up faster (72 seconds on a MacBook Air, versus 100 seconds in Leopard). It opens programs faster (Web browser, 3 seconds; calendar, 5 seconds; iTunes, 7 seconds), and the second time you open the same program, the time is halved.
Nice, let's sum that up.
- 72 seconds to boot
- 3 seconds to open a web browser
- 5 seconds to open a calendar and
- 7 seconds to open iTunes.
RispondiEliminaSembra veloce quasi come quei vecchi sistemi MS/DOS di vent'anni fa.
SLOW Leopard...
"SLOW Leopard" :) questa me la riuso!!
RispondiEliminaSe tu potessi assaggiare il 50% della velocità di "Slow" Leopard se ne cadrebbe la parrucca!